Serving York, Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties
When you need your septic system serviced, or even have an entirely new system installed, don't panic - just call on the company that has been at the forefront of septic technology since 1942.
The friendly, knowledgeable technicians at Young's Sanitary Septic Services have the tools and experience to diagnose and repair any type of septic issue.
Your septic inspection will include a thorough evaluation of your septic tank and filter system to ensure that everything is running in the best possible condition.
Learn when your septic system is telling you it's in need of service! A foul odor inside the home is a common early warning sign. You might also see standing waste water in the outside leech field. Call the professionals at the first sign of trouble!
When the time comes to install a new septic system, trust the company with over 70 years of excellent service!
Mention this website and save $10 OFF your next septic pumping!
Call today to schedule your septic service and installation: